Thundercats #12

Dynamite Entertainment

Written by Declan Shalvey

Art by Drew Moss

Colors by Martina Pignedoli

Letters by Jeff Eckleberry

The Rundown: Panthro goes on a supply mission while Tygra makes a discovery.

Panthro and the cubs wander the desert of Third Earth in the Thundertank looking for much needed supplies. At the same time, Tygra and Cheetara’s sparring session becomes something more intimate while Calica continues to run from everyone, including herself.

After being confronted by the ghost of Jaga in the forest, Calica is told why it was important for her to betray the Thundercats as she tells Jaga she is being followed. In the mountains, Slithe learns a dark truth and is confronted by an old ally while Lion-O is still missing after his confrontation with Mumm-Ra.

The Story: Shalvey continues to craft a clever, engaging and entertaining story in this issue. I really enjoyed seeing the characters broken into different groups and how each group is dealing with recent events. I really enjoyed the Calica storyline and what it revealed about the character and how complicated Jaga is as a character. I also really enjoyed the cliffhanger at the end of the issue and what it teases about the story to come.

The Art: Moss delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. The character designs and action are beautifully detailed and perfectly capture the tone of the story.

Thundercats #12



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